The interface for searching the documents in the content tree can be accessed by clicking the Search () icon in CMS Desk -> Content.
1. First, you need to decide if you want to perform the search using Smart search or SQL search. This depends on the selection made in the website indexes drop-down:
•SQL search - you need to select (SQL Search - default); slower, but supports search in both published and unpublished documents
•Smart search - you need to select a particular smart search index; fast, but does not support search in unpublished documents
2. Then you need to specify the following criteria:
•Search phrase: the text that you are looking for; if you are searching using a Smart search index, you can use the syntax described here; if you are searching using SQL search, standard SQL syntax can be used
•Search mode: specifies how the search phrase will be used:
•Exact phrase - returns documents where the search phrase is found exactly as entered
•Any word - returns documents where at least one word of the search phrase is found
•All words - returns documents where all words of the search phrase are found, regardless of their position or order in the text
Click Search and the results will be displayed.